Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Before I forget

I have to write these down before they slip away from my conciousness. I just had two very strange dreams last night. The first: My little sister was an olympic figure skater and she skated and did an amazing job. She placed sixth and felt horrible about it! I had to keep telling her, "Sixth place is amazing, you're the sixth best skater in the whole damn world." She wouldn't stop crying, I tried so hard to make her feel better. Then she tells me she can't tell Ima and Aba because they'll be mad at her. That's all I remember from that one.

The second: I was William H. Macy in this dream, but it was still me. It was just like the William H. Macy video game skin. I was at home with my older sis, home was this big country mansion. We were bored so we decided to explore the house for hidden passages, and lo and behold I found a hidden passage behind a small bookshelf. There was nothing strange behind it, it was just more rooms and hallways, but it was OLD. Everything, the furniture, the wallpaper, the carpeting, looked like it was from the early early 1900's. There was loads of old stuff in the closets, ranging from old letters to stamp collections, old clothes, records, etc. Here's the kicker, I found a large set of old Nintendo games. Finally I found what I just assumed was my granda's old room, with the most ancient looking furniture. Everything back here was covered in the thickest layer of dust. Just to show how cool (and realistic) dreams can be, as I was touching everything I remember the feeling of the dust on my fingertips, the smell of the dust in the air, it was so real and so vivid. When I woke up this morning, it took me a good 30 seconds to shake that feeling.

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