Monday, October 02, 2006


Wow, so much shit going on today and it just brought me down. Usually all this kind of stuff doesn't, but tonight I'm just bummer out because of it.

First, there is the Foley scandal. Here is a fifty two year old married man who was sending sexually explicit emails and instant messages to a sixteen year old page. At least he had the balls to resign when it was found out he was doing this, and checked himself into a clinic right away. This shows to me that despite how awful and disgusting what he did was, he seems to regret it and also admits that he has a problem. HOWEVER, what disgusts me the most is that the GOP leadership knew about this for ten months, and didn't take the proper steps to reprimand him or even the proper steps to protect other congressional pages from Foley's actions. They apparently had known for up to five years that he was suspect to this sort of behavior, and did nothing about it. That.... makes... me... sick.

Second, there was the Pennsylvania school shooting. The third deadly school shooting of the week involved a 35 year old man going into a one room amish school, letting all the boys out, tying up all the girls and summarily executing them. Four are dead and eight are seriously wounded. This is some seriously fucked up shit and just makes me sad. Apparently he had planned it out as well, coming to the school with supplies to deal with a siege. Then to end it, the man took his own life. Why did he do this? Apparently it was revenge for something that happened to him twenty years ago. But why the Amish, who apparently had nothing to do with this incident? Because he thought it would be easier and make for easier targets. Sick.... fucker...

Third, in Baghdad today twenty bodies were found apparently having been kidnapped and murdered, with signs of torture and mutilation. Three more marines died as the death toll climbs closer to three thousand. One of my coworker's brothers is going to be deployed there soon and I cant imagine what it must be like to think about that, especially with a family member. That place is going further into the shithole and our men and women are stuck there with no way out. Fucking brilliant huh?

Well looks like I'm done with my rant. What a monday huh? Fuck...

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...


You are so right and sometimes(especially now that I am in the army) I feel so cut off from news and reality. Sometimes it is a good feeling, sometimes not so good. Ignorence is bliss right, but we live in this world. I think sometimes it is immpossible to see how we can make a difference in this world. I don't know. I am just rambling now. But it is so much easier to get stuck in our own bullshit than look than look around. There is so much worse things going on in the world than we can even imagine. I hope everyday to try to do something to make this world a little better, or me a little better. That is all we can do, that and pray. Yuck is right. On that happy note shavua tov!