Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Iraq = Manhattan

So apparently, Baghdad and the rest of Iraq is no worse than Manhattan.


King: Conditions on the ground are different than what you see on television.—As we go through the city of Baghdad, it was like being in Manhattan. I’m talking about bumper to bumper traffic. Talking about shopping centers, talking about restaurants, talking about video stores, talking about guys–on the street corner, talking about major hotels. And so, at that moment, people must be amazingly resilient and you would never know that there was a war going on…

…in Mosul—I remember seeing news reports about roller coasters. Where you had two or three parking lots filled with their cars on a Sunday afternoon. Again, that’s not something you’d see on television, and at any given time a suicide bombers can walk into an amusement center, but the point I’m making is that the situation is more stable than you think….


This is from the ass clown Republican representative King in NY. So somehow, the fact that 11 American soldiers have died in the last 24 hours, and that 40 to 60 bodies are found EVERY day with signs of mutilation, torture, and execution, somehow this shows me that its JUST like Manhattan. What an ass...

Imagine for a moment, especially you New Yorkers, but just imagine for a moment what it would be like if a dozen police officers were killed every day. Imagine if the bodies of dozens of residents were found every day, bloodies and mutilated, tortured and then executed. Imagine if car bombs went off multiple times a day in public spaces killing innocent people and destroying homes and businesses. Happens in every major American city right? *barf*

And yet despite this, the crooks who control our government continue to send our men and women halfway accross the globe without a mission, without a plan, without adequate equipment, and without any support. They expect us to continue to support them? Oh I forgot, we're traitors if we don't, we are emboldening the terrorists if we dare to speak out against the establishment of the last six years.

Someone I know is having their brother sent overseas into this hellhole. God be with them and I pray that they will come back safely.

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