Friday, August 18, 2006


Ok, so its been like a month since I last updated my blog. Bad me, oh well. So much to tell...

First, I moved to Chicago and am living in a nice place in a decent neighborhood. I have some cool neighbors and some plain dumbass ones as well. I've explored Chicago quite a bit and its a cool city, I especially love the free concerts in Millenium park, going to be sad when those end. Just last night I went to a South African Jazz concert for over two hours, it was some great music.

I spent about ten days at home in California for personal reasons and to be with my family. That was cool since I hadn't seen them since January, although my mom did come and visit me in Urbana for a couple days before I moved to Chicago. Tula is getting fat! It doesn't help that she's one of the laziest dogs I know and that hardly any of them goes on walks with her. Oh well... I also want to get some sort of small pet. I'm thinking a rodent or snake of some sort. Something with fur that won't have a hard time during the winter months here in Chicago. Reptiles might not fare so well now that I think about it (i.e. snakes, lizards). A hedgehog would be pretty neat.

Last week I was at Camp Quality Illinois. It was a camp for kids who either had cancer or were going through treatment for it (chemo, drugs, surgery, etc.). It was AMAZING. I could go on and on about it so I think I will save that for another post, maybe even next time I update my blog (hmmmmm, now you know you're interested).

By the way, is anybody reading this? =P

In other news, my first roommate moved in and he's cool, although a bit eccentric (in a good way mind you). Its much better than a normal old boring roommate. His name is Josh and he's eighteen years old, just having graduated from high school. He's taking some time off and spending the year doing CityYear.

As I sit here in the library, using the internet which I don't yet have at home, there's a guy accross from me who keeps snarking up the nastiest loogies and spitting them at range into the trashcan that's a good few feet away from him. It's DISGUSTING. Just last week I sat next to a guy at another computer who spent his alloted hour looking at porn. And security didn't do anything about it! I probably should have gone up to them and said something, meh...

Alright folks, that's all I can think of right now.

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Keep writing achi!!!