Sunday, December 04, 2005


Uhhhh yea, so I sort of forgot about my blog. Does that make sense? I've been busy with school, girlfriend, part time job, family, friends, relaxing, hockey, etc. etc. Not to mention trying to keep myself informed on what's going on around the world and staying up to date on the problems in this country as well.

Quick update though on my life, I'm graduating in two weeks (thank God, I need to end this school stuff). Still looking for a real job as I wasn't expecting to be graduating this semester. Trying to get onto a local radio station as well, did the training for that. Just spent the weekend with my girlfriend and worked both the hockey games.

I'll have a more serious update as soon as I have some serious time to put into this. Until then, anybody still reading this... well thanks =)

1 comment:

Brett said...

Hey...I found your blog from your signature. I'm USAIRWAYS321 over there. Where am I that I get so much snow? Pullman, WA -- home to Washington State University. We're about 75 miles south of Spokane on the WA/ID border.