Thursday, April 13, 2006

Cadbury Cake!

Ok, so I know I haven't updated my blog in a long time. A few bits of news, I will be going to Chicago next thursday to check out apartments, spent a lot of time this week apartment "hunting" (with a Dick Cheney stamped and approved shotgun) online. Its tough to find something within my budget.

Wait, did I say multiple bits of news? Hmmm, I did something for the first time the other night. You know you're getting old ;-) when you no longer get a girl's phone number, but rather her facebook name (and AIM name).

So why the picture that I included you ask? Because it is from a hysterical website =) Check it out

Enjoy, I certainly did =)

Peace out y'all

1 comment:

Elizabeth said...

Wait. SO this means you got the City Year thing????!