Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Ditch Holocaust Memorial Day?

Muslim groups in Britain are urging Tony Blair are urging him to get rid of the Holocaust Memorial day and replace it with a Genocide Memorial Day to honor the genocide of "Palestinians, Chechnians, and Bosnians" as well.

Now, I don't know enough to comment on the Chechnya or Bosnia crisis. So I won't.

However, I will never agree to calling the conflict between the Israelis and Palestinians genocide. Genocide is:

The systematic and planned extermination of an entire national, racial, political, or ethnic group."

Now unless I'm missing something, the Israelis have done no such thing with the Palestinians. To denounce the current struggle as "Israel is being genocidal" or "Israel is commiting genocide against the Palestinians" is wrong. Not only is this one sided (ignores the over thousand dead Israelis), it simply is incorrect.

Is it anti-semitism? No. Its just ignorant. However, when groups try and get rid of the Holocaust Memorial day in Britain under the premise that the Israelis are commiting against the Palestinians is anti-semitism.

"But Tzvika, I'm not criticizing Jews, this isn't a religious issue. Israel is a nation, not a religion." Well, Israel is the homeland for the Jews and is a Jewish country. There is nothing wrong with criticism of Israel, but one sided criticism, while trying to increase denial of the holocaust, now that in my eyes is Anti-Semitism.

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