Thursday, July 14, 2005

Is Karl Rove the Devil?

Sometimes I wonder...

Here is a man who outed a cover CIA operative, and still has his job. Why did he do it? Probably personal revenge. She had evidence that went against Bush's claim that Sadaam Hussein was trying to import "nucular" materials from Africa.

What does this say about the thugs running our government? A lot.

My theory is this. Judith Miller of the New York Times is going to jail for not revealing her source. I believe that its possible that her source was none other than George Bush himself. This would explain the sudden deafening silence from White House press secretarty Scott Mclellan, a complete reversal from what he was saying earlier. Rove could have Bush by the balls and tell him, "If you fire me, if you out me, I'll take you with me." Considering the special relationship that Rove and Bush have (Bush's nickname for Rove is Turd Blossom... no joke), I think its entirely possible.

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